Thursday, March 5, 2009

Winter Dog Tips
Even though Spring is almost here, it's still pretty cold out and I thought it would be a good time to put out some good winter tips for us dogs and our human friends.
* Aviod leaving us outside for long periods of time. We like to play outside but if you leave us out there we need some shelter and please check that out water isn't frozen. We may need some extra protection, consider getting us a stylish coat or sweater for those really cold days, especially for short haired dogs. Even dogs with heavier coats should be brought inside to warm up. If we are outside during a snowfall, that thick coat will get wet and the water may make it's way through the fur and onto our skin. Brrr
* Walk us on a leash. The cold and snow muffle our usually keen sense of smell. If we get separated. we may not be able to find our way home. Also we may be tempted to chase after those new animals called snow plows and snow blowers!
* After our walk, protect us from the harmful salt/chemicals that are used to melt the snow and ice. Have a bucket of warm water and clean towels ready at the door to wipe our paws when we return from our walk. Wipe away any dirt from our paws, legs and stomachs. Remember what you don't get we will lick off ourselves. You don't want us to swallow any of these chemicals. If it's very cold and snowy you may want to get you dog some boots.
* Frostbite, not just for humans. Keep a close eye on our paws and ears. Look for any signs of swelling, discoloration and/or irritation. Small ice balls stuck in our paws can also cause frostbite. If you notice any of these symptoms, please take us to the vet immediately.
* Please use pet friendly products on our yards and driveways where we like to play.
* Automobile antifreeze is extremely poisonous to us dogs yet it tastes and smells good. Make sure to wipe away any antifreeze spills with water. You can also use products that have propylene glycol instead of ethylene glycol in them. Please take us to the vet ASAP if we ingest any of this!!!
* Please remember to brush us in the winter. Not only do we like to look good, but matted fur doesn't insulate us as well.
* We love to play in the cold and snow with you. Just remember to look out for us. We also like to snuggle with you inside on those cold winter nights as well!

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